Public classes and protocols for callbacks.
- FPSdk
- FPSdkListener
- FPSdkSessionListener
- FPSdkCartListener
- FPSdkCheckoutListener
- FPSdkEventListener
- FPSdkActionListener
The top level Flux Panda SDK singleton that provides methods for initialize player, open player and get data from player.
Public Method
- Initialize the Flux Panda SDK
//Last parameter handler is a callback when SDK initialized and ready to use. App should call all other method after this callback.
public func initialize(domain: String = "", channelId: String, apiKey:String, userName: String = "", handler: @escaping (Bool) -> Void)
- Open the player using sessionId
public func open(sessionId: String)
- Open the player using sessionId and timeIndex
public func open(sessionId: String, timeIndex: String)
- Close the player
public func close()
- Minimize the player
public func minimize()
- Maximize the player
public func maximize()
- Clear the shopping cart
public func clearShoppingCart()
- Get sessions
public func getSessions()
Flux Panda SDK protocol that provides callbacks.
Public Method
- Callback method of close
func onClose()
- Callback method of minimize
func onMinimize()
- Callback method of maximize
func onMaximize()
- Callback method of getSessions
func onGetSessions(data: [String: Any])
- Callback method of clearShoppingCart
func onClearShoppingCart()
- Flux Panda SDK call this callback method when user click checkout from player
func onCheckout(data: [String: Any])
- Flux Panda SDK call this callback method for specific events
func onEvent(data: [String: Any])
Flux Panda SDK Action protocol that provides callbacks.
Public Method
- Callback method of close
func onClose()
- Callback method of minimize
func onMinimize()
- Callback method of maximize
func onMaximize()
Flux Panda SDK Session protocol that provides callbacks.
Public Method
- Callback method of getSessions
func onGetSessions(data: [String: Any])
Flux Panda SDK Cart protocol that provides callbacks.
Public Method
- Callback method of clearShoppingCart
func onClearShoppingCart()
Flux Panda SDK Checkout protocol that provides callbacks.
Public Method
- Flux Panda SDK call this callback method when user click checkout from player
func onCheckout(data: [String: Any])
Flux Panda SDK Event protocol that provides callbacks.
Public Method
- Flux Panda SDK call this callback method for specific events
func onEvent(data: [String: Any])